Throughout the annals of church history, wise theologians and spiritual leaders have illuminated the stages of the Christian journey, providing us with a map to understand the grand tapestry of God's work in our lives. This journey consists of several distinct stages, each marked by its unique characteristics and challenges.

Stage 1 – The Life-Changing Awareness of God.

The journey begins with a profound awareness of God's existence and presence in our lives. Whether this awakening occurs in our childhood or adulthood, it sets the stage for our lifelong relationship with Christ. During this stage, we come to realize our need for His mercy and embark on the path of discipleship.

Stage 2 –Discipleship

In the discipleship phase, we engage in a dedicated pursuit of understanding God and what it truly means to be a follower of Christ. We immerse ourselves in Christian community and delve into the foundational disciplines of our faith, laying down roots for our spiritual journey.

Stage 3 – The Active Life

The active life stage is characterized by action and service. We eagerly get involved in various ways to work for God and serve His people. Taking responsibility, we offer our unique talents and gifts to advance the kingdom of Christ.

Stage 4 – The Wall and the Journey Inward

The "Wall," a challenging phase in our journey, often compels us to embark on an inward journey. It is essential to remember that it is God who leads us to this pivotal point. During this stage, we confront inner turmoil and crises of faith, which drive us to explore our innermost selves and our relationship with God.

Stage 5 - Journey Onward

Having traversed the wall and undergone the transformative inner journey it demands, we emerge with newfound strength and clarity. We continue to engage actively in God's work, but now it flows from a deeply grounded center within us. Profound stillness characterizes our actions, and we rediscover the boundless love that God has for us.

Stage 6 – Transformed into Love

At this pinnacle of the spiritual journey, we experience a profound transformation. We become vessels of God's love, our hearts aligned with Christ's love for God and others. Fear loses its grip on us, and our entire spiritual existence revolves around surrendering to and obeying God's perfect will.

STAGE 7 - Navigating Stagnation

In times of spiritual stagnation or feeling stuck, it's essential to reflect on our journey. We must avoid hiding behind our faith as a shield against life's challenges, for God seeks to transform us through these trials. John Wesley identified several spiritual imperfections that can hinder our progress, including pride, avarice, luxury, wrath, spiritual gluttony, spiritual envy, and sloth. These imperfections serve as areas for purification, allowing God to refine our souls and deepen our connection with Him.

The journey of faith is a dynamic and transformative process. Each stage contributes to our spiritual growth, and as we encounter challenges and imperfections, we should view them as opportunities for God's purification and renewal. Embracing the entirety of this journey, with its peaks and valleys, brings us closer to the perfect love of God and our ultimate purpose in Him.


about sabrina

Sabrina is a pastor and provisional psychologist, passionate about healthy relationships, spiritual growth, and emotional well-being. She is married to Ben and mum to Liberty and Lincoln.


