
In our fast-paced lives filled with endless distractions, finding a moment of stillness and connection with God can be a challenge. While it's true that God is omnipresent and can speak to us anywhere,

there's something profoundly transformative about the "secret place" – that sacred space where we intentionally seek to know Him on a deeper level.

For me, this journey into the secret place has been an evolving and deeply personal one. As a teenager of 18, my secret place was a rooftop escape with a Bible in one hand, a journal in the other, and the archaic yet beloved disc-man by my side. I affectionately called it my "date with Jesus." It might sound a bit peculiar now, but those nights on the roof were where my heart began to yearn for a deeper connection with God. It became a ritual I cherished, one that continued until I moved to a different city.

As the seasons of life changed, so did my secret place. As I grew older, my rendezvous with God often took place in the confines of my car parked beside a tranquil lake or a meandering river. Now, as a mother of two children, my secret place is usually within the comforting walls of my bedroom or a quiet corner late at night when the world is asleep.

The point is this – the secret place isn't about the location; it's about the intention.

Here's what I've learned on this journey: find your secret place, your medium of connection with God, and commit to it. Whether it's through prayer, journaling, reading scripture, or deep study, make the time and create the space.

God's desire isn't confined to a Sunday service; He longs for your presence every day.

As you begin to seek Him in the secret place, you'll experience the transformative power of intimacy with the divine. The more I engaged in this sacred dialogue with God, the more I discovered that He was speaking to me in profound and unexpected ways.

The secret place is where the noise of the world fades away, and His voice becomes clearer. It's where worries and distractions lose their grip, and His presence envelops you. It's where you pour out your heart, and He responds with a profound understanding that surpasses human comprehension.

In the secret place, you'll find answers to your questions, peace in the midst of chaos, and strength in moments of weakness.

It's where your faith deepens, your spirit soars, and your relationship with God flourishes. But most importantly, it's where you encounter the One who knows you intimately and loves you unconditionally.

So, dear friend, find your secret place. It may be under the stars on a rooftop, in the solitude of your car, or within the quiet sanctuary of your bedroom. Wherever it may be, make it a sacred space for communion with God. Embrace the medium that resonates with your soul, and allow the conversation to flow.

As you step into the secret place, expect to hear His voice and feel His presence like never before. Remember, the more you seek Him, the more He will reveal Himself to you. Your secret place is where your journey of intimacy with God truly begins.

It’s true that God is everywhere and can speak to us anywhere. In our bedrooms, our cars, our work places, study spaces or Church gatherings, but I am a massive believer in the secret place.

That special space that you intentionally enter into with the desire to know Him.

For me, over the years the specific place has changed, but the desire has remained. When I was 18 I would climb out onto my roof, bible in one hand, journal and discman in the other (Yes discman, I am that old. I use to call it my “date with Jesus” (which I’ll admit sounds a little weird now). I did this almost every Friday nightuntil I moved cities. As I got older often times my secret place would be in my car next to a lake or river, now as a mum of two young ones, it’s mostly in my bedroom or a lounge chair late at night. The point?

Find your SECRET PLACE. Find your medium. Pray, journal, read, study.

Whatever it takes. Make time. Make space. God doesn’t just want you on a Sunday in a service, He wants you everyday. And I guarantee as you begin to seek Him in the secret place you will hear His voice and feel His presence.

I know I found the more I started speaking to God, the more He actually started speaking to me.


about sabrina

Sabrina is a pastor and provisional psychologist, passionate about healthy relationships, spiritual growth, and emotional well-being. She is married to Ben and mum to Liberty and Lincoln.


