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Have you ever found yourself impatiently rushing ahead, even when God's guidance is not yet clear? If so, you're not alone. I know I’ve been there a million times and do have many figures in the Bible.

Consider the story of Abraham and Sarah. They were promised a child by God, but when God's timeline seemed to lag behind their expectations, they took matters into their own hands. Sarah suggested that Abraham have a child with her maidservant, Hagar, and Ishmael was born. This decision led to generations of strife and conflict. It's a powerful reminder of the consequences that can arise when we rush into decisions outside of God's timing.

Or think of the disciples. In the aftermath of Judas Iscariot's betrayal, the disciples faced the task of selecting a replacement. Instead of patiently waiting for God's guidance, they cast lots and appointed Matthias as the 12th disciple. Strikingly, Matthias is never mentioned again in the New Testament. This story serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of making important decisions hastily, especially when it comes to matters of faith and calling.

Even Jesus' own brothers once urged Him to begin His ministry prematurely, as recorded in John 7:3. Their impatience prompted them to push Jesus into action before His appointed time. However, Jesus, in His wisdom, knew that His ministry was to unfold according to God's divine plan, not human haste.

The cornerstone of embracing God's timing instead of our own lies in fostering a personal relationship with Him. It is through this deep connection that we begin to grasp the intricate tapestry of His divine plans for our lives.

So, what does that look like?

1. Prayer

Prayer serves as our direct line of communication with the Creator of the universe. It's a sacred space where we can pour out our hearts, share our deepest concerns, and listen for His gentle guidance. Through consistent and earnest prayer, we draw nearer to God, allowing Him to reveal His character, desires, and purposes to us.


Scripture is a treasure trove of divine wisdom and revelation. By immersing ourselves in the Word of God, we embark on a transformative journey of understanding His heart. The Bible provides us with insights into His past dealings with humanity, His promises, and the principles that underpin His plans. Studying His Word not only deepens our knowledge but also nurtures our faith and helps us discern His timing.

3. Worship

Worship is a powerful act of acknowledging God's sovereignty, majesty, and love. It involves surrendering our hearts and desires to Him, recognizing that He is the author of our lives. In moments of worship, we express our devotion and trust in God, aligning ourselves with His divine will. Through heartfelt worship, we invite His presence into our lives, enabling us to better perceive His timing and purpose.

4. Surrender

Surrendering our own desires, plans, and the need for instant gratification can be an ongoing challenge. However, it's in these very moments of surrender that we allow God's transformative work to take place within us. To surrender continually is to relinquish the illusion of control and fully embrace God's sovereignty.

Surrendering control means trusting that God's timing is impeccable. He sees the bigger picture, comprehends the intricate details, and knows what is truly best for us. In our surrender, we affirm our belief that His timing surpasses our own understanding. As we yield to His leading, we become vessels through which His plans and purposes are fulfilled.

Cultivating intimacy with God and embracing continual surrender are practices that not only deepen our understanding of His timing but also enrich our spiritual journey. Through prayer, the study of His Word, and heartfelt worship, we draw closer to His heart. Simultaneously, by surrendering control and trusting in His perfect timing, we position ourselves to experience His profound work in our lives. These practices, when embraced consistently, empower us to navigate life's uncertainties with faith and assurance, knowing that God's timing is always perfect.

By prioritising intimacy with God and continually surrendering our desires to His will, we can navigate the year ahead with trust and confidence, knowing that His timing is always perfect.

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