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I’ll be the first to admit I’m the kind of person who finds it hard to stop, to sit, to wait, to rest and to receive.

I’m a Martha by default, but I’m a Mary by choice.

Because what’s the point of doing everything for God? And missing Him in the process.

SIT FIRST, SERVE (labour, toil, minister) SECOND.

It’s not a matter of choosing one over the other, it’s simply a matter of doing one before the other (and at the same time). As our amazing Pastor Jem always says, “your work is your worship.” Just worship Him from a full bucket, not an empty one.

Mathew 11:28 says this, ““Are you tired?  worn out? Burnt out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

I love this scripture. It’s bursting with direction, encouragement and inspiration. I recently journaled a few thoughts that personally help me keep the right perspective and filled up when it comes to serving God.

Ministry or serving is NEVER about you WORKING for God, It’s about working with him.

Serving God and His house should never be a burden. If it is, something’s wrong. You’ve lost sight of His love for you and your striving (something to be frank, I continually have to snap out of).

So often I have to deliberately and intentionally search my heart and make sure I’m seeking Him, before I’m serving Him.

Or worse yet, talking about Him, more than I am talking to Him.

On Jan 1 I wrote a blog called “Dear Twenty-Seventeen”. Some of you may have read it. One line I wrote was, “I want to wake up in the morning and grab my Bible, not my phone.”

I wanted that to be more than a nice statement, I actually want to live that out.

So, instead of picking up my mobile and scrolling through Instagram to read inspiring quotes about God. I pick up my Bible and invite Him into my day.

I’m glad I’ve found my own little secret place in this season that’s been helping me focus on the one thing, before I get to the many things. Encourage you to do the same.

Because everything else means nothing without Him in the middle of it.

On that note, time to sit and receive. Catch ya later x . 

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