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You can’t pour from an empty cup and you’ll never live a healthy and nourished life without regular rest and rhythm.

I’ll be the first to admit, I genuinely find it hard to stop, to relax, do nothing and just be. I’m personally prone to gauging my day on how much I’m ticking off my ‘to-do-list’ and find myself constantly assessing whether I’m keeping up with the plan I’ve created in my head.

I used to think holidays weren’t important and taking time off was unnecessary if I was doing what God called me to do.

Little did I know, that slowing down, resting and abiding in heaven’s divine rhythm was the very thing that would help me do just that!

Because when we learn to rest, refuel and refill, we actually end up with more to give. More to give our our families, our friends, our communities, our vocations, our churches and most importantly, our God.

You don’t burn out by serving too much, you burn out by not filling up.

Burn out has very little do with working too hard (or too much), and more to do with who’s the source of your energy. I’d be the first person to admit it’s easy to fall into the trap of replacing “genuine intimacy” with God for “Christian activity” around Him.

But they’re not the same thing. One is the fruit of the other, and should always to come first.

So, if you’re feeling depleted, don’t QUIT friend - simply, pause, pray and let him refill. He’s the supply that never runs dry.

Some wise words from my friend Gabby Anderson.

“Rest looks different for everyone but let me encourage you to make “rest” more than just sleeping for hours. I use to think I needed 10+ hours of sleep per night to feel somewhat well rested, but that was the wrong mentality.

I started going to the gym, eating HEALTHY (not dieting) and spending proper time with God. Man oh man you would have no idea the difference this makes!

Now when I have had a long week, instead of sleeping the whole day on Saturday, I do things that feed my soul. I listen to podcasts whilst I clean, I prepare meals for the week, I sit and read the bible, I spend time with people that don’t drain me, I clear my crazy schedule and take out things that really aren’t important.

I am a long way from where I want to be but I feel so much lighter, happier and relaxed. Start small, take 5 minutes today to sit and chill.

Rest is important, even God rests!

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls .”

This is so much more than just a “new year new me” phase, but this is something I would hope stays a part of my life forever.”

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