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I may not be royalty, but all I know is my Dad's the King.
He's bigger than any celebrity and stronger than the Rock.
He always keeps His words, just in His timing and not mine.
He's with me every moment, when I feel Him and when I don't.
His will is better than my own, so I trust when He says, “no.”
He's good on the good days, and better on the bad ones.
He could live anywhere in the world, yet He chose my heart.
He sent His only son, so I could know His love.
Because of Him I have purpose, peace and hope.
I have joy outside of circumstance and value beyond compare.
I have a calling that's from heaven to help and serve the world.
I don't need to fit the mould, when He's called me to stand out.
I was bought with a price and I won't forget my worth.
I'll live each day with gratitude and let His praise be on my lips.
I don't need a prince or position because I am found in Him.
My name is................and I am daughter of the King.

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