Lady In Waiting: The Study Guide

Lady In Waiting: The Study Guide

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Lady in Waiting Study Guide is perfect for small groups. It will break open the topic of sex and love in a practical way.  Designed with 12 simple lessons jam packed with activities, ice-breakers, questions, discussions and heaps of scribble space!

"I think it's so great that there is resource available written by Christen Women who can articulate what God says about the issues around Sex & Relationships in a way that is relevant to girls. Its easy when you are in a relationship (especially a long term one) to get comfortable in the fact that you will be with this person for the rest of your life, causing you to “Brush” Under the table, certain boundaries you once had in place. Speaking as a youth leader- watching young girls- Christian or not – struggle when it comes to these issues, I am just so excited that there is a book to turn to when I am not sure what to say next". Laryssa, 20